Living the Sweet Life is all about being on time for an epic Swell, and there was no better place to be than the “Lane”. We dropped in at Steamers Lane on February 27, 2016 to February 29, 2016 to end February on a good note. It was our first time jumping off the rocky point into the pacific-blue colored ocean that had a shimmering sparkle, which reflected off the water due to the Californian Golden Sun. This is the type of playground you dream about in your sub-consciousness when you are occupied at work or school.

Swell came in from the WNW direction, which is the best swell direction for this spot. It went off for three straight days with 8-10 feet plus waves, and it did not let up. One of the cool aspects about the “Lane” was that it shows off all types of surfing. The outside is dominated by hardcore big wave chargers taking on heavy drop ins with their Guns and step ups, the middle inside at the point offered solid 8 footers for the steezy rippers, and the inside at Cowells produced a mellow Log wave. The Nectar Team held it down, and scored big time in West Coast fashion. It is definitely our favorite cold-water break to surf. No matter what time you surfed during those three days the waves just kept on rolling in, in an endless action manner. It was soo frickin Nasty. We kept the Stoke Alive, and can’t wait to venture back there. If you are searching for that one magical wave, Steamers Lane is where you will find it. Our minds will certainly be on Re-Wind mode at the office, we might not even be able to get work done today.
Along with our action packed sea-riding adventure, we also managed to meet local photographer Cameron Howard (IG: @liveforblu) from San Francisco on the last day. Cameron was super chill and was happy to supply us with excellent quality action shots from yesterday’s session. Check out his page and show some support, his photography skills wont disappoint ya.