The future looks bright for Nectar in 2020.

Nectar Goals for 2020


In 2020, the Nectar Team shares a few of our top goals for the year. 

Travel More

India, Lake Banff, Spain, Italy, and Budapest top many of our lists. We are scheduling our 2020 travels now, to fight burn out from too much work (fun) at Nectar. 

Be Present 

It’s easy to get distracted or not be 100% present. We’re challenging ourselves to disconnect and take in all moments, all year.

Stay Healthy 

I’ve realized I am not as active I was a few months ago, so my goal is to take walking breaks throughout the day and stretch each morning. I’ve also decided to cut back on red meat and add more vegetables to all meals! I’m also taking my health more seriously, starting with my eyes. This year I promise to get my eyes checked on time and use Blue Light Blockers daily. I usually spend 40 hours on my computer or phone per week (if not more). Blue light blocking glasses help me fight eye fatigue, headaches, and blurry vision when I’m on a screen. Find the perfect pair of Blue Light Blockers.

Get Organized 

We have so many tools at our fingertips from planners to We’re committing to keeping our task list rolling and our laundry washed, dried, folded, AND put away.

See the Beauty in All Moments 

Adversity is part of life and sometimes we’re not sure how to navigate what’s happening. We’re committing to keep pushing through personally and professionally. Because the sun never sets on a badass. 

Let us know your 2020 goals and how you plan to accomplish them!

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