Meet Our Friends At MassRoots

Meet Our Friends At MassRoots

Last week we caught up with our Friends at Massroots in Denver, Colorado. For those of you who do not know about Massroots, it is a social App & Community that enables users and businesses alike to connect with one another. So, if you are a cannabis enthusiast or connoisseur this an App worth downloading on your mobile device. Our local ties between like-minded individuals from the VB (757) and RVA (804) communities is how our relationship with each other exist, and we are really stoked to be in the same business culture and lifestyle.

We are a proud supporter of the Massroots App, because they are providing us with our own profile to help us promote our HPS/LED Protective Eyewear. 


These sunglasses ensure protection for users that are in these types of lighting environments. Nectar Sunglasses is the first optical company to introduce the Indoor Growing Series. 

Our profile on Massroots was just created, but we will soon be active on it and we hope you will get one too! 

Thank You and Shoutout to Justin & Whitney from the Massroots Marketing Team for helping us kickstart our Massroots Profile. 

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